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Yard Trimmings
Keep in Your Yard and Out of Landfills

Yard trimmings take up 30% of landfills.

The Good News
  • Recycling yard trimmings is an easy way to slow down landfill consumption.
  • When you mow, rake leaves, and trim plants and trees, you end up with a valuable natural fertilizer.

How Can You Help?
  • Bag yard trimmings separately from trash in neighborhoods offering pick up.
  • Practice 'GrassCycling':leave mowed clippings on the lawn to add organic matter and improve the      soil.
  • Landscape with heat and drought resistant local plants. They need less expense, water and upkeep.

Water Conservation
A Fluid Resource

Water is a limited natural resource and should be used very conservatively.

The Good News
  • Lawns only need one inch of water every 5 days.
  • Trees, shrubs and ground covers need water

How Can You Help?
  • Water early in the morning.
  • Use drip irrigation.
  • Avoid wasting water on sidewalks
    and the street.

Mother Nature Knows Best

Trees drop leaves; plants die; grass clippings stay on the lawn. Over time, the organic matter breaks down and decomposes. The result is a rich, dark brown, soil-like material called compost.

The Good News
Composting is a great way to:
  • Retain soil moisture and save water and fertilizer.
  • Improve the yield of fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs.
  • Recycle nutrients into soil and protect plants from disease.
  • Reuse trimmings and save landfill space.

How Can You Help?